Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The end of an era

A couple weeks ago, my Hunter idol, Big Red Kitty, decided to take a break from WoW and spend more time with his family. Kudos, sir.

Now that 3.1 is out and I am looking at the changes to hunters, I wonder if he had an ulterior motive. Beast Mastery is no longer the spec it once was, my friends.

A moment, if you will.

Barbaracue has finally dinged 80, and I ran my first heroic that night. My new Nesingwary 4000 in hand, I ran into the Nexus, full of gusto. And produced a whopping 800 dps.

Yep, 800.

My 72 priest is hitting 800 dps.

Where is this uber damage? I realize a lot has to come from my rotation, and I am not geared yet. But I should be hitting better than a priest 8 levels lower, should I not?

And so with the new patch I am thinking of perhaps going *gasp* survival. I know, so awful. I might have to stable Sauce out of the horror. Or I may learn to save my gold and dual spec so I can swap out as necessary. Either way, BM just isn't cutting it any more.

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