Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Catch up and new spec

Recent events in the life of my characters:

Schokti entered the portal at 58:

... at which point I pretty much dropped every other quest I had at the time. She is now 60, already I am waaaaayyyy better equipped. On to flying mounts!

I tried for a time to play Kaewhy as assasination/combat, and it did not work for me. While I get that the build works, I am too much of a stealther. I don't want to be detected until it is too late and half of your life is already gone. I cannot seem to adjust my thinking as is neccessary with assasination, so I respecced back, with slight differences:

You can check the armory for more details here. I am liking it already. I put points into ambush which I didn't have before and the numbers are where they should be now, and with the shadowstep I am thinking like a rogue again.

I should clarify that statement. The assasination/combat build was far too close to just plain DPS for me and therefore in my tiny little brain too much like a warrior, which I just do not "get". I realize this build works for a great many, but I am far too much of a personality that likes to stay in the shadows.


Nytefall said...

Just a suggestion if I may. As a former subtelty rogue, currently combat/assasination, I'd like to say that once you get hemo, you can take sinister strike off your bar, and there for there is no need for improved sinister strike. That will give you two points to place somewhere more needed.

Anonymous said...

I was Full on Assassin with the needed subtly skills for the sneaking....then i started the Netherwing grind at 70 and repsecces to full 17/44/0 Combat. Loving the increase in dps. Supposed to be good for leveling too. I wish i had repecced at 60, would have made the climb to 70 a lot faster...not that it was very slow to begin with.

It took some getting used to but when i see the big white damage numbers from my off hand I start to wonder why a waited so long.

Nytefall said...

I did the same thing, only I was full subtlety until 60. Got the grand marshall main hand fist, respecced combat fist and never looked back.