Monday, June 04, 2007

Grinding away

Kaewhy has finally completed all the quests in Netherstorm do-able by one person. I now wait for guildies to catch up, or anyone who is looking for a group. Shouldn't be hard. Of course, I decided to do some Skettis quests to grind for the purple Nether Ray. Can you imagine Kaewhy on that baby? Giggidy giggidy.

I also to Barbaracue into WSG again, since I am having so much fun with her in there I decided to make a break for the level 28 Outrider's bow. Saturday's numbers:

(Note the gratuitous shot of Sauce, my pretty kitty.)

And finally a question for the readers:

I love reading general chat. I enjoy the banter, and even all the bad Barrens Chuck Norris jokes and slams at ones mother do not bother me. I came across this conversation in Netherstorm:

The person in red is a 66 warrior, Prot spec'd complaining he can't complete quests on his own because he isn't tough enough. He has been asked to be prot spec'd by his guild and now is trying to quest and can't get it done. How is this possible? How does a warrior, wearing plate, able to take all kinds of damage, not be able to kill some Sunfury magic users? Can someone explain this to me?

Which brings up another question. Any thoughts on guilds demanding certain specs? I feel if a player knows their class (and I certainly hope that if one is over level 60 they do), they should be able to play the spec of their choice. I have seen shadow priests be more effective healers than holy priests (and vice versa), and rogues out tanking warriors. It all depends on the player. So what are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Kinless said...

I feel that poor Warrior's pain.

I played with a full Protection spec, taking Devastate, in order to be able to tank when I needed to.

And my damage output was horrendous.

I was taking less damage over time, true, but over the course of a longer fight, I wound up taking the same amount of damage.

End result was a slow kill, and same use of bandages and potions.

I was level 65 at the time, I had a lot left to accomplish, and respecced right back out. But rather than returning to Arms I took up Fury instead.

I'm still Fury for now.

And I am working on a full Tanking set. 419 Defense so far, and getting the best armor I can to do the job of a tank.

When my guild can guarantee me full time employment as a Tank, that's when I'll sacrifice my soloing viability and go Protection again.

But, on the other hand, this 66 Warrior moping about soloing probably gets to see a few more instance runs than most. (I know because my Warrior gets invites all the time now. "Fury, but I've got tanking gear," seems to satisfy most.)