Monday, April 09, 2007

A Double Dose of Gaming

So today post consists of 2 parts. The usual WoW info and an new section, called "MY CoD". First, the WoW.

My WoW

So I have been listening to my own advice (finally, right?) and started grinding Himotepp again... just get out there and DO the damn quests... and guess what? He dinged 67 early this morning! yes! 67!! W00t!!
He has picked up a lot of cash and very few new items, but I am grinding for the flying mount! /drool
I want to be able to DING 70 and then fly up and celebrate!



Call of Duty. This was my passion before WoW, and there are still many days when I cannot decide between them which to play! Inevitably I wind up playing both on the same day, which of course means I don't really get into the rhythm of either one! LOL
I wasn't sure if I should post here regarding CoD, being as this is (so-far) mostly a WoW blog, but wth... it is my blog too, and CoD is almost as big a part of my gaming life as WoW. Except Christine doesn't play it... yet! L0L

The big news for me in CoD is that I recently (couple days ago) got the my highest rank ever in the game - Gunnery Sergeant! W00t!

For those not familiar with the game, CoD is a WWII FPS - and probably the best one ever created (so far at least). Graphics are awesome, gameplay is smooth (most of the time... heh heh) and the MP gameplay is outstanding! I've been playing that for a little more than 3 years, and the MP for nearly as long, and I have arrived at the following conclusions:
      (*see below for a defintion of the abbreviations. ~S)
  1. I prefer MP* to SP* play. Hugely...
  2. I prefer TDM* to all other types of games.
  3. I prefer as the best server to play on. SO much so in fact, that I applied to their Clan. Wish me luck!
  4. CoD is superior to CoD2 in every conceivable manner and way, IMO.

FPS = First Person Shooter (type of computer game)
SP = Single Player (usually one player against many computer controlled characters, called bots)
MP = Multi-Player (usually online with many people playing against each other, and no computer controlled characters)
DM = Death Match (every man for himself)
TDM = Team Death Match (Team "A" vs Team "B")
CTF = Capture The Flag (there are variants of the name, but the game is the same)
SD = Search & Destroy (obvious name choice for the game style, lol)
BEL = Behind Enemy Lines (like TDM, except you are outnumbered 4:1 or 5:1 and score points for kills AND for simply staying alive.)

I will add more abbreviations as they become necessary to understand my upcoming posts... lol

~Cheers, Scott

Lie? Me? Never! The Truth is far too much fun!


Tauhid Chappell said...

I love playin COD on me xbox. If you ever get tired of WoW seems a nice FPS would be great to get your attention away (or vent ur frustration hehe)

Anonymous said...

yeah - it is a great way to warm up for PvP as well... heh heh

I never really enjoyed the FPS genre on console... something about the gamepad just doesn't fel righ tin my hands... too many years with a mouse and keyboard I i
imagine lol
Thanks for the comment!